

Norms of Matrix

|| A || 1 = 0

|| A || = 0

|| A || 2 = 0

|| A || max = 0

|| A || F = 0

Matrix Norm Calculator

Matrix Norm Calculator is a free online tool for calculating the norms of a matrix. The calculator above shows the 1-Norm, 2-Norm, Infinity-Norm, Max-Norm and Frobenius Norm of a matrix.

Enter dimensions of matrix and elements of matrix to calculate the norms of the matrix.

How to use Matrix Norm Calculator?

To use the Matrix Norm Calculator, follow the steps below:

The calculator will display the 1-Norm, 2-Norm, Infinity-Norm, Max-Norm and Frobenius Norm of the matrix.

What is Matrix Norm?

Matrix Norm is a way of calculating the magnitude of a matrix. There are different types of norm which calculates the magnitude of a matrix in different ways.

The most common types of matrix norms are:

Matrix Norm is used in various fields of mathematics and engineering to calculate the magnitude of a matrix.

Meaning of Different Matrix Norms


1-norm is a greatest sum of absolute values of the columns of a matrix. It is also called column sum norm.


2-norm of a matrix is a scalar value which is the square root of the maximum eigen value of the matrix multiplied by its transpose.

For example, if A is a matrix, then the 2-norm of A is given by:

\(\|A\|_2 = \sqrt{\lambda_{\text{max}}(A^T A)} \)

where, λmax is the maximum eigen value of the matrix A^T • A.


The infinity norm of a matrix is the maximum sum of absolute values of the rows of a matrix. It is also called row sum norm.


The max-norm of a matrix is the maximum absolute value among the matrix elements. It is also called the maximum norm.

Frobenius Norm

The Frobenius norm of a matrix is the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements of the matrix. It is also called the Euclidean norm.

What is the formula to calculate Matrix Norm?

The formula to calculate the matrix norm is different for different types of norms.

The formula to calculate the 1-Norm of a matrix is:

\(\|A\|_1 = \max_{1 \leq j \leq n} \sum_{i=1}^{m} |a_{ij}| \)

The formula to calculate the 2-Norm of a matrix is:

\( \|A\|_2 = \sqrt{\lambda_{\text{max}}(A^T A)} \)

The formula to calculate the Infinity-Norm of a matrix is:

\(\|A\|_{\infty} = \max_{1 \leq i \leq m} \sum_{j=1}^{n} |a_{ij}| \)

The formula to calculate the Max-Norm of a matrix is:

\(\|A\|_{\text{max}} = \max_{i,j} |a_{i,j}| \)

The formula to calculate the Frobenius Norm of a matrix is:

\(\|A\|_F = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{m} \sum_{j=1}^{n} |a_{ij}|^2} \)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of Matrix Norm?

All matrix norms have their own significance and uses.

1-Norm (Column Sum Norm):

Use Case: Sparse Solutions, Robustness to Outliers.

Explanation: Imagine you're packing items into boxes, and each box represents a column of your matrix. The 1-norm tells you the maximum weight a box (column) can hold.

If you're trying to minimize the total weight of the boxes while ensuring that each box doesn't exceed its limit, the 1-norm helps you find the optimal solution.

It's also useful when some measurements are noisy, as it's less affected by large outliers.

2-Norm (Spectral Norm):

Use Case: Least Squares Solutions, Eigenvalue Analysis.

Explanation: Think of your matrix as a transformation that stretches and rotates space. The 2-norm gives you the length of the longest arrow (vector) after the transformation.

In regression problems, where you want to minimize the sum of squared errors, the 2-norm helps you measure the distance between your predictions and the actual data points.

It's also handy for analyzing stability and convergence in dynamical systems.

Frobenius Norm:

Use Case: Error Analysis, Matrix Comparison.

Explanation: Picture your matrix as a map with elevation values.

The Frobenius norm calculates the total "height" of the terrain, summing up the squares of all elevation changes.

This is helpful for comparing two maps to see how different they are.

In error analysis, it helps you measure the overall discrepancy between two matrices, which is useful for evaluating the accuracy of numerical computations or approximations.

Maximum Norm (Max Norm):

Use Case: It's helpful for checking worst-case scenarios and making optimization more robust.

Explanation: Imagine you're checking the strength of beams for a bridge.

Each row in your matrix represents a beam.

The maximum norm tells you the strongest beam can handle. This ensures no beam gets overloaded, keeping the bridge safe. In optimization, it helps to focus on critical factors, preventing extreme values from causing problems.

Infinity Norm:

Use Case: Worst-Case Analysis, Robustness in Optimization.

Explanation: Similar to the maximum norm, but now imagine you're building a fence, and each column of your matrix represents a fence panel. The infinity norm tells you the maximum height of any panel.

It's helpful for ensuring that no part of the fence is too tall, as that could be a problem if there are height restrictions. Like the maximum norm, it's useful for robustness in optimization problems.

Feedbacks and Suggestions

If you have any feedbacks or suggestions. Or if you want to report any issues, please feel free to contact us through the contact form.

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